The processes of accumulation and dissipation of the electron flows in the polarized plasma struc- tures with spatially distributed electric charge are investigated. It is proved that a weak violation of neutrality (≈ 10-18) because of extrusion of electrons from the structures leads to sputtering (rebound) of neutral struc- tures that were gravitating before. Since the de Broglie wavelength of an electron is many times greater than that of a nucleon or nucleus at equal temperatures, the condensation of matter in quantum structures (in which there is a degeneration of collectivized electron gas) must necessarily be a violation of neutrality and the generation of giant peripheral electric fields that self-focus the plasmoid thus being a dynamic surface tension. Electric fields are effective catalysts of thermonuclear reactions leading to neutronization of the sub- stance compressible by gravitation. The Einstein's idea of mass-energy equivalence is confirmed in a new form (quality). The equivalence manifests itself in a similar functionality in the process of pulsation (focus- ing and rebound) of "excessive" energy in the generalized 2D-Kepler problem (for the gravitational and the electric potential) and "excessive" mass (weight) in Vysikaylo–Chandrasekhar 3D-problem on the accumula- tion and dissipation of the de Broglie waves in quantum stars (pulsating accretion quantum stars) with a mass greater than the that of Chandrasekhar (~ 1.46 solar masses). The new mechanism (type) of the thermonu- clear reactor at the surface of charged quantum stars, dense cores of stars and ordinary stars and planets are proposed by the author. The acceleration of electrons to MeV energies in the synergistic electric fields of uncompensated charged particles in the nuclei of giant plasmoids – Quantum stars and their transmutation into the neutrons on the surface layer in the reactions with the protons is basis for such a mechanism. In the presence of dynamic surface tension, caused by Coulomb forces, the cumulation of plasma and energy takes place during compressing electric field jumps.