АНОДНАЯ ОБРАБОТКА УПРОЧНЯЮЩИХ ПОКРЫТИЙ В ЭЛЕКТРО- ЛИТАХ ДЛЯ ЭЛЕКТРОХИМИЧЕСКОЙ РАЗМЕРНОЙ ОБРАБОТКИ. Часть II. Микрообработка в хлоридных растворах азотированных поверхностей стали, полученных электрохимико-термической обработкой


The research into regularities of anode dissolution of nitrated layer on steel 45 on small depths after chemico-thermal processing is presented. The anode dissolution process was followed by means of rotating disk electrode with partially isolated surface in 2М NaCl. The interrelation between macrokinetics of anode processes and such technological indicators as surface roughness and microhardness of nitrated steel is estab- lished. It was shown that the minimal surface roughness and the maximal microhardness not changing prac- tically after the surface processing, can be reached under high current densiteis (~ 50 A/cm2) and intensive hydrodynamic modes of processing, that is, in a state of thermokinetic instability (with constant formation and destruction of blankets on sample surface when a critical temperature drop and “thermal explosion” are achieved) which arises if the anodic limiting current is exceeded.

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