The work is devoted to studying the coatings to create by electrospark alloying. For producing com- posite coatings used the electrodes mark STIM-2/30, using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) and extrusion. It has been established, that the composite coating is formed from carbides titanium and solid solution of nickel in iron, containing carbides as large sizes (4–5 microns) and small (less than 1 microns). The large grains of carbide titanium formed in the central part of a coating. The size of grains carbides titanium decreases to 100 nanometers near the transition zone. Large grains of carbide titanium in the composite coating consist of superdispersed carbides with the sizes less than 1 microns. It is defined, that the base composition influences to the size transition and diffused zones. It to vary from 17 microns for the steel 9ХСА to 26 microns for the steel 20 and when the steel is more alloyed the less depth of the changed layer.