It was found earlier, that lubricating suspensions contained Fe-mesoparticles and surfactants OS-20 or ENB 904 reduce wear of friction surfaces. However, Fe-particles easily oxidize by air. Therefore, the aim of this work is to modify surface of Fe-particles by Cu shell using transmetallization reaction taking into ac- count the further usage in the tribosystems. This reaction occurs under electrochemical mechanism. The rate of the first stages of Fe modification by Cu expressed in electrical terms is close to the limiting current den- sity of Cu2+ electroreduction and occurs till to Cu2+ ions presence in the solution or Fe particles becomes de- stroyed. The surfactants reduce the rate of transmetallization, but also can destroy particles. Therefore, the modification Fe-particles by Cu directly in oil phase was performed at such concentration of Cu2+, which can modify 10% of presenting Fe in the system. Such method of Fe modification does not influence sufficiently on the size of resulting particles.