Electrospark alloying for deposition on aluminum surface of Al-Sn coatings and their wear resistance under dry friction


Some aspects of coating deposition on aluminum substrate by electrospark alloying with tool- electrode from Al-Sn alloy stimulating the SnO2 nanofibers formation in coatings have been studied. Wear resistance of such coatings, under dry friction conditions, in conjunction with a counterbody from hardened steel has been investigated. The conditions under which the coatings thus obtained manifest the of effect of the maximal wear excessof the counterbody compared to the wear of the coatings containing SnO2 nanofibers have been specified. The effect reaches its maximum value under the dry friction after the treatment of the surface in the mode of “sparking” at a constant energy supply in the spark gap: at high rates of the tool electrode movement with respect to the specimen and at relatively large times of the electrospark effect on the treated surface.

Keywords: electrospark alloying, Al-Sn alloy, nanofiber, wear-resistance.

УДК 621.9.047.7

article_1 (English)