The Einstein's idea about mass-energy equivalence is confirmed in his new capacity. The equivalence is a similar functionality, in the process of pulsations (focus and rebound), the "excess" energy in the generalized 2D-Kepler’s problem and the "excess" mass in the Vysikaylo – Chandrasekhar’s 3D-problem about the accumulation and the dissipation of de Broglie waves in quantum stars (the pulsating accretion of the quantum stars) with a mass greater than the Chandrasekhar mass (~ 1.46 Solar mass). The author proposed a new mechanism (type) fusion reactor at the surface of charged quantum stars and dense cores of normal stars and planets. Acceleration of electrons to MeV energies (in the synergetic electric fields of uncompensated charged particles in the nuclei of giant plasmoids – quantum stars) and their transmutation with protons into neutrons is the basis of the such mechanism. Problems: dynamic stabilization of neutrons with respect to the β-decay of neutrons on the surface of neutron stars and retention (capture) high-energy electrons in any cumulative dissipative structures with condensed a Fermi gas or a Fermi liquid are solved.