Chemical reduction of one-charging ions of metal (Ag+) in the conditions of the hydrodynamic mode on the revolved cylindrical dielectric pattern is studied. The partial revealing of effect of hydrodynamic limita- tion of speed (GDLS) of besieging of silver is set. It is set that the flow line of process of increase of concen- tration of electro-active particles in a reactionary area due to the increase of amount of collisions of reactor of noncompact sediment of silver and products of oxidization of reducer - inverted sugar with surface of compact Ag-layer on D-pattern growing in a volume hinders to the complete revealing of the GDLS (VAg = 0) effect. The results of these researches confirm the conceptions about mechanism of the GDLS phe- nomenon − due to the extrusion of electro-active particles of silver from a reactionary layer at high speeds of rotation.